
Sundarban Courier Service Khulna division all branch address and mobile numbers

Khulna Division has 90 branches of Sundarban Courier Service. Khulna District, Satkhira District, Jessore District, Chuadanga District, Narail District, Bagerhat District, Magura District, Jhenaidah District, Kushtia District and the Meherpur District all Sundarban Courier Service branch address and contact number given below:-

Khulna Division Sundarban Courier Service









1. Bagerhat 01713907896 01917941366 01191554111 Chitol Mari Thana Agency
2. Bagerhat 01712175790 Sarankhola Thana Agency Bagerhat
3. Bagerhat 01711354682 0465873405 Mongla Bandar Agency Bagherhat
4. Bagerhat 01729576832 01711210432 Mollarhat Upazila Agency Bagerhat
5. Bagerhat 01711112330 01739647533 Morolgonj Agency Bagerhat
6. Bagerhat 01924393166 Fakirhat Upazila Agency Bagherhat
7. Bagerhat Kochua
8. Bagerhat Rampal
9. Bagerhat Bagherhat Dist. Agency
10. Chuadanga 01915053492 01718852893 Jibon Nagar Thana Agency
11. Chuadanga Dumurhuda
12. Chuadanga 07622566 01195217369 01191112222 Alam Danga Thana Agency
13. Chuadanga 01727799631 01823006273 Shorozgonj Bazar Agency
14. Chuadanga 01710035003 01711283624 01190775600 01191753055 Darshona Agency Chuadanga
15. Jessore 01711899533 01918813855 01711260106 Nowapara Agency Jessore
16. Jessore 01918295023 Baghar Para Thana Agency Jessore
17. Jessore 01711349177 01916777676 01914405611 01936003193 Keshobpur Agency Jessore
18. Jessore 01711822782 01711210217 01912248349 Monirampur Upazila Agency
19. Jessore 01712311328 Chougacha Thana Agency
20. Jessore Benapole
21. Jessore 01711211614 Jhikorgacha Upazila Agency Jessore
22. Jessore 01711309797 Biman Bandar Booth
23. Jessore 01721391175 01922714405 Khoyertola Agency Jessore
24. Jessore Kotowali
25. Jessore Sharsha
26. Jhinaidah 01914553202 01924325232 04253-56439 Kaligonj Agency Jhenaidah
27. Jhinaidah 01712001145 01914553202 01857066666 0452356439 Kaligonj Thana Agency Jhenaidah
28. Jhinaidah 01720997985 01919997985 01920196897 01835118676 Jhenaidah Court Chandpur Agency
29. Jhinaidah 01552100948 01712881196 Soilokupa Upazila Agency Jhenaidah
30. Jhinaidah Horinakundu
31. Jhinaidah Moheshpur
32. Khulna 01711363649 041762444 Khalishpur B. Booth
33. Khulna 01713915261 01913779428 Shipyard Road Booth
34. Khulna 01711838202 041721559 Sir Iqbal Road Agency Khulna
35. Khulna 01980452717 Batiaghata
36. Khulna Dakope
37. Khulna Dighalia
38. Khulna Kotwali
39. Khulna Kayra
40. Khulna Daulatpur
41. Khulna Sonadanga
42. Khulna Tarakhada
43. Khulna 01716511207 041786115 Siromoni Bazar Agency
44. Khulna 01711261535 01915830041 Paikgacha Upazila Agency Khulna
45. Khulna 01711261535 01915830041 01714807411 Kapil Moni Bazar Agency Khulna
46. Khulna East Rupsha
47. Khulna 01198377327 01711131292 041701646 Fultala Bazar Agency Khulna
48. Khulna 01711349177 Chuknagar Bazar Agency
49. Khulna 01716144188 01190744379 Dumuria Thana Agency
50. Khulna 01951286048 Islami University Gate Agency
51. Khulna Kushtia Dist.
52. Khulna 01715380737 01820626751 Kumar Khali Thana Agency
53. Khulna 01916107719 01724844669 01712848869 Veramara Upozilla Agency Kushtia
54. Khulna Daulatpur
55. Khulna Khoksha
56. Khulna 01711166149 01716525606 Mirpur Upozilla Agency Kushtia
57. Magura 0611-62842 01712932584 Magura Dist. Agency
58. Magura 01720094136 01713917091 Shalikha Thana Agency
59. Magura 01716026017 01926183829 01929361962 Sreepur Agency
60. Meherpur Mohammadpur
61. Meherpur Gangni
62. Meherpur Mujib Nagar
63. Meherpur 01963603073 01718553902 01191608011 Meherpur Dist. Agency
64. Narail 01711210110 Narail Dist. Agency
65. Narail 01712710357 01190918734 Lohagora Thana Agency
66. Narail Kalia
67. Satkhira 01768971171 01191236113 01191236112 Kolaroa Upazila Agency Satkhira
68. Satkhira 01197106442 01716869436 Kaligonj Agency Satkhira
69. Satkhira 01915702460 01913343769 0472256033 Ashashuni Thana Branch Satkhira
70. Satkhira 01820518110 01848097351 01718656960 0472674055 Shyamnagor Upazila Agency
71. Satkhira 01915738671 01828236204 Tala Upazila Agency
72. Satkhira 01733669397 Debhata Thana Agency
73. Satkhira 01713900714 047181059 Bhomra Agency Sathkhira
74. Satkhira 01711211971 Patkel Ghata Agency Satkhira
75. Khulna 01936003077 Parcel- 01963603051



76. Jessore 01936003035 Jessore
77. Sathkira 01936003047 01711806337 Sathkira
78. Bagerhat 01936003065 01711471453 Bagerhat
79. Chuadanga 01936003002 01715269192 Chuadanga
80. Jessore 01936003075 1713400365 Benapole
81. Kushtia 01674045050 01936-003246 Kushtia
82. Khulna 041813700 01936003077 Biman Office
83. Khulna 0412850241 0197229868 Daulatpur
84. Khulna 01936003107 Fulbari Gate
85. Khulna 41725809 Shib Bari
86. Khulna 01917674082 01915811909 Nirala
87. Khulna 01936003163 Doulotpur
88. Jessore 1719915420 Bagachra Bazar
89. Meherpur 1716494614 Gangni Upazila
90. Satkhira 01936-003047

C/D –



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